The following list of GPTs are all available in the OpenAI GPT Store to anyone who has access to that feature.
If you have ideas for other GPTs I can build, or feedback on any of the ones below, don't hesitate to contact me.
Learning Assistants
- AP Biology Mastery Tool- The AP Biology Master Tool provides practice prompts for students in the style of AP Biology questions AND also has a teacher mode that can provide prompts for export, etc.
- Tutor- Tutor helps users learn any topic by tutoring the user with a series of modes that are based on high-utility learning strategies (explainer, questioneer, practice quizzes, etc.)
Teacher Tools
- GradeBot- NOT REALLY WORKING! It's supposed to grade stuff. It really doesn't want to right now. Very much a work in progress.
- School Coms Summarizer- You paste a long communication in, and (if you want) you specify the style of the summary you want, and out comes a shorter, more targeted, and enjoyable read. Pro-tip: "In the style of the narration of a Werner Herzog documentary" is always great.
- Video Summarizer- You paste the transcript of a video in and the video summarizer can summarize that transcript and/or generate a series of active recall prompts for students.
- Emoji Smusher- It combines emojis that you provide into new hybridized emojis.
- Engaging Image Creator- It generates images in the dimensions of whatever platform you need, and in whatever style you wish.
- Lab Assistant- It gives ideas for experiments. Hypotheses, protocols, etc.
- Research Project Planner- Kind of like Lab Assistant, but much more set up for qualitative research projects.